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The van down by the river - adapting in a pandemic

We spent nearly a year planning our two year travels around the globe starting tomorrow... only to come to the conclusion that everything we need is right here in Alberta. This is exactly where we are supposed to be right now. Laying low and being mindful while connecting with mother nature.

We had our possessions packed up, were homeless and unemployed with backpacks full of summer clothes for India when this pandemic exploded. Plans changed several times but we settled on living in a camper van and checking out mother nature for awhile right here in Alberta off the grid.

The travel blog is still a go and the adventure starts soon... It will just be us alone in a van on Alberta's roads for the time being.

Sleeping in Walmart parking lots, rest stops, or wherever else we decide to pull over and read or explore. Doesn't get much more Canadian than that.

The road will tell us where to go

Stay safe everyone


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