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Last Month of my Pregnancy

This blog post is long overdo as Faith is now 9 weeks old. There are a few of you who do not follow any social media so I wanted to make sure I got around to sharing the experience/videos with you. Also, it will be nice to look back and have these all in one place.

For those of you who follow us on social media, there isn't anything new to see in these next couple of blog posts.

The last month of my pregnancy was pretty much like the rest of it. Not overly terrible or eventful. We did however get quite bored waiting for her to decided to join us in the world as she was 10 days overdue. By the 41 week mark, we were pretty much waiting around in complete boredom as my body continued to get sorer and sorer. I was able to continue to walk that hill even at 41weeks pregnant, which I was quite proud of.

Enjoy the vids everyone :)


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